
Identification of Complexity-Reduction Techniques for Optimal Scheduling in Embedded Distributed Real-Time Systems
Project no: 9811-3
Jan Jonsson, Mikael Strömberg
Chalmers University of Technology, Department of Computer Engineering
Application as pdf, ps, Complement to application as pdf ps, support letter from Mecel AB and University of Micihgan, K.G. Shin and P Khargoneker
Support: 1 PhD student for 2 years decided 98-12-09.
Start 99-05-01 with Cecilia Ekelin as Phd student.
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Industry contacts

Lars Magnusson
Mecel AB
Project 1: A tool environment for the development of embedded systems
Project 2: Identification of Complexity-Reduction Techniques for Optimal Scheduling in Embedded Distributed Real-Time Systems
Project 3: Hierarchical Design and Analysis of Timed Systems
Project 4: Flexible reliable timing constraints
Project 5: RATAD, Reliability And Timing Analysis of Distributed systems
Project 6: Extension of Project “Flexible Reliable Timing Constraints”
Pramod Khargoneker
University of Michigan
Real-Time Computing Laboratory
Project: Identification of Complexity Reduction Techniques for Optimal Scheduling in Embedded Real-Time Systems
Kang G. Shin
University of Michigan
Real-Time Computing Laboratory
Project: Identification of Complexity Reduction Techniques for Optimal Scheduling in Embedded Real-Time Systems


The application of optimal search strategies to scheduling for distributed real-time systems is, in general, plagued by an inherent computational complexity. This has effectively prevented the integration of existing search strategies in scheduling frameworks and tools used in practice today. The integration of an optimal scheduling strategy could lead to, for example, higher application schedulability, better utilization of scarce resources, or higher system reliability, than can be attained for a sub-optimal scheduling technique. This project aims at demonstrating that optimal scheduling is, in fact, a viable alternative for many real-time scheduling scenarios. Our approach is based on the hypothesis that, with detailed knowledge about the real-time application and its characteristics, it is possible to make intelligent choices in the configuration of the search algorithm in such a way that the time it takes to generate an optimal assignment of tasks to system resources is reduced to a tractable value on the average.


A scheduling framework based on SICStus Prolog and its integrated constraint programming (CP) environment has been developed [1,2]. The framework provides support for scheduling embedded distributed real-time applications with regular (timing, precedence, exclusion) and special (locality, clustering, replication) design constraints. The modeling approach used in the CP environment allows the system designer to retain valid information from the system specification during the scheduling process, which often yields optimal results within reasonable time. The framework will be made available for the industrial partner during 2000 for an evaluation in a practical context.

The international collaboration with Professor Kang G. Shin at University of Michigan has resulted in a research manuscript [3] which reports several effective methods for configuring a branch-and-bound algorithm for the scheduling problem. The proposed methods are shown to contribute to a significant (orders of magnitude) reduction in the average search complexity of the algorithm.


Collaboration with the project industrial partners

There are regular meetings with the industrial partner (Mecel AB) where research problems and industrial needs are discussed. The industrial partner also provides case studies that allows for the evaluation of the tools and methods developed at Chalmers.

International collaborations

The project has collaboration with Professor Kang G. Shin at The Real-Time Computing Laboratory, University of Michigan. A visit at RTCL by Cecilia Ekelin is planned during 2001.

Swedish collaborations

The project has ongoing interactions with other ARTES projects led by Dr. Gerhard Fohler at Mälardalen University.


  1. Cecilia Ekelin and Jan Jonsson: Solving Embedded System Scheduling using Constraint Programming, (in submission), Technical Report 00-12, Department of Computer Engineering, April 2000.
  2. Cecilia Ekelin and Jan Jonsson: Real-Time System Constraints: Where do They Come From and Where do They Go? Proceedings of the International Workshop on Real-Time Constraints, Alexandria, Virginia, October 1999.
  3. Jan Jonsson and Kang G. Shin: On the Practical Application of the Branch-and-Bound Algorithm to Real-Time Multiprocessor Scheduling. (in journal submission), Technical Report, Department of Computer Engineering, January 2000.
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