ARTES summerschool 2002
Invitation, Registration, Schedule, SNART meeting 2002
Welcome to ARTES summerschool 2002.
The summerschool start at the SNART meeting
- Monday Aug 19, 2002
- SNART Industriseminarium –Inbyggda system/Realtidssystem–
- Prof. David Lorge Parnas
- Improving Software Quality with Improved Documentation
- Time and place: 09.30 at Kollegiesalen, KTH, Vallhallav. 79/Drottning Kristinas väg 6, Stockholm, here is a map to the place.
- Invitation, Detailed programme and Registration information.
Tuesday to Friday take place at Nässlingen.
phone: +46 (0) 8 542 472 10
Mail: Kursgården Nässlingen, 184 95 Ljusterö.
Transport to Nässlingen
Usually you go by yourself to Åsättra brygga where Nässlingen meet you with a boat that you have arranged before with them. (be on time the boat will not wait).
- Car or taxi take 1 hour from Arlanda or Stockholm city (unless there is a traffic jam). Parking is avaiable at Åsättra brygga.
- Public tranport with Stockholms lokaltrafik travel to Åsättra gård (Ljusterö) ,
Från centralen tar det ca 1 h 40 min.
- Boat from Nässlingen to Stockholm take about 1h 45 min. Nässlingens boat carry up to 70 passengers.
Travel instructions is available here:
Previous summerschool pages 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998.