

Evaluation of Graduate Course

Your name:

Name of Course:
Other course:


How relevant do you think this course is for your graduate education?
How relevant do you think this course is for the real-time area?
Did your prior knowledge match the assumed prerequisite?
Does the course points match the effort spent?

Compare the actual contents with your initial expectations.

What contents in the course do you think is missing or could be extended?

What parts do you think should be excluded from this particular course? Motivate.


Do you think the course for you gave the expected results compared to the effort?

If you did not complete the course - explain why?


The organization of the course was :
The pedagogical quality of the lectures was:

How did the course support national participation?

Was this a good form for an ARTES course? Why?

Additional suggestions

Please add any comments or ideas that you think could be valuable for the improvement of this course:

Overall rating

On a scale from 1-5 (1=poor, 5=excellent),
what is your overall rating of the course
  Strategic Research