


ARTES++ is a Swedish national graudate school in real-time and embedded systems, supported by Swedish Foundation for Stategic Reserarch (SSF). The school will operate from 2004 with 20 students annually. Students will be provided support for international mobility, industrial stay, and attending courses. Other planned activites include 18 instances of courses, an annual summer school and an annual graduate student conference.


  • Nov, 2005: Invitation to Ph.D. students to apply to ARTES++ (start 2006).
  • 2004-11-04: Invitation to Ph.D. students to apply to ARTES++ (start 2005).
  • 2004-01-20: ARTES++ accepts 20 Ph.D. students (selected from 27 applications).
  • 2003-12-08: Invitation to Ph.D. students to apply to ARTES++ (start 2004).
  • 2003-08-11: ARTES++ recevies grant of 7 MSEK from SSF.
  • 2003-03-25: Final ARTES++ application.
  • 2002-06-17: Both the ARTES++ efforts SAVE and FLEXCON receives support from SSF
  Strategic Research